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This is a ONE time $25 deposit that will go towards your order. It is nonrefundable. Please only pay this deposit one time. If you abandoned your basket, you do not receive this money back. Nonpayment result in a block and ban from my store. 

*When you check out your deposit, please make sure to add your TikTok username to the notes at checkout. This way it tells us who you are. If you forgotten to do this, that’s ok please just make sure to include this information when you message me on TT. You can also dm me on instagram for personal shopping.

 After you take care of this this deposit, please  send me a message on TikTok So we have open communication. Please also include your first and last name to match with your deposit.

All invoices for first time buyers will be uploaded to my website by Saturday  4-5PM PST or earlier. I will update on my story so please check that before sending an dm. The in voices are due by Saturday 11:59PM PST. To locate your invoice search your user name on my website using the search bar tool. If you fail to pay by Saturday 11:59PM PST, it is considered an abandoned basket. You will be blocked and banned from my store.

 Our shipping time is extremely fast so we need you to do your part and pay on time so we can get your package out ASAP. Tuesdays are our shipping days.

If you make a mistake when entering your address simply correct it in my DM. I do check all DM’s before I ship. Please do not checkout the deposit a second time.

 For RETURNING customers, they are due by 3:00 PM on Sunday the latest 5:00PM PST. However, we do list each invoice As we pack them. All invoices are posted by Saturday 8:00 PM PST. Feel free anytime after Saturday 7PM to search for your invoice using your user name on my website using the search bar tool. If you fail to pay by sunday 11:59PM PST, it is considered an abandoned basket. 

For pop-up lives All invoices are due the night of or by the latest 9 AM the following. Boxes are typically an open basket for the following live. That means you will still have to pay for your invoice you will be charged shipping if you add anything for the restock live on the weekend the shipping charge will upgrade if your box does. If you do not grab anything your box will ship out out shipping day.

If you would like an open basket we keep them open for up to one month please request on the live or dm immediately after the live. You will have about one hour until we start packing the packages. for first time claimers, we always ship the first package after that you’re welcome to have an open box.

Thank you so much for choosing my store and I appreciate you supporting my small business. I hope hi you love everything you’ve purchased from me. 




Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Reminder: Please pay any and all invoices within 24 hours unless stated to me otherwise

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